Royal Institute of Dutch Architects

About BNA

BNA, the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects, is the sole professional association for Dutch architects. The goal of BNA is to stimulate the development of architecture and to support the practice of its members. Some 1000 agencies are united in our sector association.

Parkeergarage Katwijk
  • Promotes the expertise of the architect
  • Strengthens the position of Dutch architecture
  • Fosters professional development

BNA International has gained a lot of experience recent years in organizing economical and cultural projects. There were different kinds of projects in several focus countries like Turkey, Germany, Norway and Belgium. Have a look at some of our best practices below.

Network of leading Dutch Bureaus

BNA International has two networks consisting of iTop and iNet. The BNA iTop is a network of leading Dutch architecture bureaus with a foreign enterprise. With the network we try to inspire, make contacts and share knowledge. Its a top level network in the architecture branch. The BNA iNet is a network of firms who share knowledge and expertise about their work experience in Germany, Turkey, Belgium, China, Finland, France, India, Kuwait, Poland, Russia, UK, South-Africa and Switzerland. The number of participants and countries is constantly growing which in turn contributes to our own expertise and scope.

BNA iTopBNA iNet

Bundle Architects around the Globe

BNA International is always on the lookout for foreign architecture offices that are interested in international collaboration with Dutch offices. With our network in the Netherlands and our continuing expertise of foreign countries we can be the perfect matchmaker. If you are interested in collaborating with a Dutch office, please contact Please send us a description of your office, the intended collaboration, the type of office, work experience and specialism you are looking for.

Unique Selling Points for a Perfect Match

Our vision on International entrepreneurship is based on the principle ‘International collaboration’. We think this improves entrepreneurship for both foreign customers and Dutch Architects. Our strategy is based on finding current Unique Selling Points (USP) that are typical to Dutch architects. With these USPs we hope to promote collaboration, so that parties involved can find a perfect Match. Below you will find the four current USPs of Dutch Architects.

WatermanagementSpecialist in affordable housing Urban PlanningComplex assignments

Do you have any questions or remarks? Contact me
Caroline Gentner Coordinator Internationalisering