BNA is structured as an association with an office with a staff of 25 headed by a director and a board headed by a chairman. BNA membership is open to architectural offices and architects with their own practice or employed in the private or public sector.
Decides on policies and monitors implementation through committees that consist of members who advise the Board.
Is directed by the Board and coordinates and facilitates all the institute’s units, regions, committees and working groups.
Members’ Panel:
A democratically chosen group that prepares strategic policy, controls the Board, and approves annual reports.
Roughly two-thirds of Dutch practices are associated with the BNA through the membership of one or more of their architects. BNA membership is open to suitably qualified architects who are listed in the Dutch Architects’ Register and who can proof sufficient experience in practice.
The professional title of Architect is protected by Dutch law; only qualified persons listed in the Architects’ Register can use this title. However, neither inclusion in the register nor BNA membership is a mandatory requirement in order to exercise the profession in the Netherlands.